Forum Hoard #95!


Forum Hoard #95 from June 2011 is up! Actually has been up all along. :) Not new, but I never had a complete preview pic for the Hoard until today;

More Fabrizio!

Once upon a time in Paperworlds Fabrizio Davi made the Battle of Lutzen in miniature, get it here;

From Waterloo to Rivoli!


...which I know is going backwards. Figure mods by Fabrizio Davi of Patrick Crusiau's originals. Get them here;


Knowing my fate is to be with you,


Altefritz from Paperworlds once set out to make figure mods of Patrick Crusiau's Napoleonics for the entirety of the forces involved in the battle of Waterloo;
Finally got these files cleaned up and uploaded, I tried to organize the forces into folders by nationality, but due to my complete lack of research into this battle some may be in the wrong place. I'm happy to put things into their proper folders if someone more knowledgeable than me can provide guidance.


Robofleets and Lost Jungle Expeditions


From the lower depths of the Forum comes the Robofleet by Nobody and MahotsukaiUk's mods of Patrick Crusiau's figures to create the Lost Jungle Expedition.
There are still a few things lurking in the basement, but they've been down there for 207 years so another week shouldn't matter.

Forum Horde #206 - Desert Denizens


Forum Hoard #206, Desert Denizens, was in January of 2022, so I'm a bit late with it's release.
I bet you thought I had deserted them. :)

Ambushes and more Tommygun mods


Forum Horde #208: WW2 Ambushes, and two more Tommygun building mods by Ernesto Tramonto. Thanks to Mcoyfan and Alloydog for their Forum Horde contributions.