No website updates for a bit

The source file for the whole website has become corrupted, so I will have to recreate the existing website from scratch, all over again. Luckily, I can use the
 existing pages to to remake the site, but it's still going to take some time.

March HOARD files uploaded

The March HOARD files are now available to download. A big thanks to all the contributors, and especially Jabbro for formatting and creating the PDF's. Be sure to check out all the action in the latest months HOARD, and join in with your own designs. You don't need to be an artist to do these, you can modify figures and just recolor figures if you with. It all adds to the pool of figures available for gaming.

44 new sets uploaded from Dryw the Harper!

I have created a new page in the Forum Hoard for Dryw the Harpers fantastic figure sets. All 44 sets are now available to download now!

Other updates include the GSD files for the Undead Horrors, and the new Wraithlords figure sets. Follow the links to get them.

In other news, the revised Chimera Hybrid army is coming along nicely. I'll have some mock-up models to show by the end of the week.

The May Forum HOARD is now underway. The unofficial theme this month is ARTILLERY. I'm hoping to see some cool fantasy and sci-fi warmachines and artillery models. I know I'm going to make an Elf Multi-bolt thrower for my Elf army.

Wraithlords uploaded

Whoo Hoo! finally a new set of figures! The Wraithlords are now available in the Undead Hoard Army page. A set of 9 undead wraiths to use as commanders, or as a really nasty unit of elite soldiers. These figures would also be equally used as undead champions in and RPG game.

In progress now, are a selection of Chimera Hybrid models for Armor Grid Games, 15mm scale mech game ,as well as 30mm scale versions to expand the current range of Chimera Hybrid army units. I plan to do as many of these figures for this army until I get burned out of them. More info in the forums.

Undead Horrors uploaded

I'm getting more of my old designs added to the website. This time it's Undead Horrors, a variety of undead figures. You can find these in the Undead page.