Cardboard Warriors Patreon

I've started a Patreon make a few things more self-sustaining, there is absolutely no obligation to join. :)

Hello you can call me Squirmydad and I am the current steward of the Cardboard Warriors kingdom. Many artists start Patreons to raise funds to support their work and to directly engage with their fans, this is not one of those Patreons. This is a Patreon that I am starting so that I can continue to support the work of paper miniature and paper model artists. I run a forum called Cardboard Warriors;

and a website;

The website is chock full of all sorts of free downloads and tutorials and has been added to on a monthly basis since 2008. Most of what is on the site comes from the Forum and all of the great artists who share their work there. Every month there is a different theme that artists can submit their works to called the Forum Hoards, you may have seen them on Instagram. :) Additionally there is an annual competition called the Papercuts Showcase with a variety of categories whose winners are chosen by the community and receive actual cash prizes.

Many community members have approached me and offered to assist with funds for the Forum, the site, and the Showcase, which is why I've started this Patreon. If you would like to support these endeavors and potentially help them grow then do sign up for this Patreon.

How much does all of this cost;

Cardboard Warriors Forum storage= $72.00/year

One Monk site= $354.00/year

Papercuts prizes= $310.00/annual

Total expenses = $736.00/year

What do you get for supporting this Patreon? Satisfaction that you are assisting a community of artists. :) Maybe I can make some Patreon exclusive downloads, but no promises, I'd rather continue contibruting to the publicly available Forum Hoards.

If you would like to support me directly you can purchase my products here;

Thank you for your time and interest. Cheers! :)

Cardboard Warriors Member Ranks & Titles

Greetings Cardboard Warriors!
I am currently revising some aspects of the membership and group system and in looking at the post rank titles I believe they are a bit too churchy. This forum was originally founded by OneMonk so he gave the member ranks monastic order titles. I'd like your help to change that.

The current titles and ranks are as follows;
Initiate = 0 posts (someone who just signed up for the free donuts)
Novice = 1 post (someone who said thanks for the free donuts)
Adept = 10 posts
Brother = 25 posts
Friar = 50 posts
Monk = 100 posts
Abbot = 500 posts
Bishop = 1,000 posts
Archbishop = 5,000 posts
Cardinal = 10,000 posts
Overlord = 20,000 posts

The post count numbers are not up for debate, but I do want to change the titles to something more reflective of the forum's interests.
Submit your ideas and I'll build a poll for the membership to choose the new rankings.
[b]Please note; you will need to be at least of Novice level to vote in the upcoming poll. If you disagree with this please post about it so we can start a discussion.[/b]

Why does this matter? Several reasons, primarily because there is a difference between "membership" and "community". Also if you are not of at least Adept (10 posts) level you will not be able to vote in future Papercuts Showcases.

Members who are in the Illuminated Scribe or Publisher Groups will be able to vote. How do you become a member of the Illuminated Scribe group? Submit an entry to a monthly Forum Hoard, or to the annual Papercuts Showcase, or upload a papermodel or papermini project anywhere in the forum at any time of the year.

Go to this thread to discuss;

Vote! Round 1 Papercuts 2019

Voting threads are up!
First round runs until 7am Wednesday, September 4th. Then winners will be tabulated and congratulated and all of the First place winners will be entered into the Best of Show category. Best of Show voting will conclude at 7am on Friday, September 6th.

Go vote! :D