Forum Horde #196 - Gondola Wars

The battles for the heart of the Venetian tabletop continue in Forum Horde #196 - Gondola Wars! Thanks to Verminking, Antohammer, and Factoria Tabletop from the Cardboard Warriors forum.

Better late than never!

Forum Hoard #195, The Hoard of the Procrastinators, is finally up! Now you too can recreate the great siege of VerminKings deluxe SotoPortego by Cowboyleland's Aurochs herd! Get them here;

Back in business!


If you have the Carnevale boxed set then you will find this roof for your Venice buildings a handy mod. Get it here;
The new computer has arrived and I've now got it set up so I can start assembling and uploading the backlog of material from the last few months. Cheers!